GS11 | Porto

Hotel & Restaurant

Client: Private Client

Area: 1070 m2

Team: MGF – Studies and Projects, Engineering and Consultancy

Construction: Reabilitarco Lda.

Contracting: 2011

Create a hotel unit in the historic center

There was a clear intention in the project not to break with the pre-existence of the building, nor to abolish the structure on which it rested.

Thinking in a contemporary way, an equilibrium was found between the pre-existing and the remodeling. In this intervention only the narrowly necessary for the use of a hotel unit – Hostel – was demolished.

The remodeling includes the spatial utilization of the ground floor, an increase in sanitary facilities, and a reorganization of the spaces on the upper floors.

design architecture for a specific target audience

Think the project with a commercial purpose

On the first floor, spaces are created for the reception area for guests and the restaurant area, which will be composed of distinct areas: communal kitchen, common living room, bar counter, sanitary facilities, and outdoor terrace area.

The main room, with a clearly continuous interior, finds its limits in the glazed façade that creates a physical restriction, but never a visual one, thus extending all its playful space to the outside.

On the upper floors, the bedroom area will have two shower rooms, strategically placed in the middle of the floor, with easy access so that each person will walk the shortest distance possible.

Following these guidelines, the vertical access space is isolated and a corridor is created around it that will give access to the bedrooms, positioned perpendicular to the facades, east and west, which allows all bedrooms to receive direct light as well as a favorable exposure to lighting and natural healthiness.

Project Gallery

The virtual images created, are working images,
for a better interpretation with the client.
These are not images for/with commercial purposes.