MO01 | Bouro


Client: Private Client

Area: 250 m2

Team: Blokk Lda.

Construction: to be defined

Contractualization: 2023

[Em licenciamento]

The peculiar topography of the terrain provided a unique opportunity to design a house that blended and integrated with its surroundings. By carefully designing into the relief of the terrain, an attempt is made to create an organically and naturally integrated dwelling that respects the shape and slope of the hill.

The result is an architecture that tries to emerge from the ground itself, evoking a sense of belonging with the place.

It is designed to balance the feeling of openness over the landscape of the river and dam of Gerês with the protection of the hillside.

Living Abroad

designing transparency to experience the landscape

The house is characterized by its openness and transparency, with large windows and living spaces that connect with the outdoor space.

Panoramic views are maximized, allowing its future inhabitants to enjoy the beauty of their surroundings at various times of the day. At the same time, residence is thought of as a sense of protection and welcome. a front bounded by the hillside.

Garage Door Openermoradia-unifamiliar-geres-braga

The way of life

think architecture as terrain design

Each line and shape is designed to integrate organically with the terrain, creating fluidity and a connection with the landscape. The topography, vegetation, and other unique characteristics of the site were considered throughout the process, seeking to preserve and enhance its intrinsic qualities.

The architecture becomes an extension of the land itself, as if it were a drawing in nature, providing an immersive experience, where the house merges with its surroundings, creating a unique atmosphere of integration with nature.

Project Gallery