C195 | Braga


Client: Real Estate Developer

Area: 2304m2

Team: Blokk Lda

Construction: to be defined

Contractualization: 2023

[Em projeto]

A rehabilitation project arises in Braga’s Central Avenue, in a strategic and vital location in the city.

With the objective of transforming the existing building into a contemporary and functional space, seven autonomous dwellings distributed over the different floors were designed, with a larger dwelling on the top floor with a terrace overlooking the city

The project will make use of the existing vertical accesses, a stairway that will be duly rehabilitated, ensuring total adequacy to functionality.

To allow full inclusion and improve the accessibility of the building, a panoramic elevator will be inserted in the center of the vertical accesses.

The importance of thinking about the street front

Enhance the avenue’s commercial experience and rehabilitate the building

The rehabilitation of the ground floor and retail store on Central Avenue plays a key role in revitalizing the commercial life of the city. The replacement of the aluminum frames with wooden ones, which will allow a total opening to the avenue, will bring not only benefits to the building but also a contribution to the preservation of the local architectural heritage.
A renewed connection will be drawn between commercial space and the urban environment.

The Same space, complementary solutions

an architecture adaptive to needs and aspirations

Architecture that is responsive to needs and aspirations is key to creating spaces that suit the preferences of individual lives. Two dwellings were designed on different floors, each with different living solutions. It thus seeks to provide flexibility and adaptability, allowing each individual to choose their own routine and habits within their home.

Open kitchenTraditional kitchen

Project Gallery